Local Connections: Fun with Falcons with Master Falconer Peter McMurchy

Local Connections: Fun with Falcons with Master Falconer Peter McMurchy

3 hours | Charlottetown | Y Y G - 2 3 5
Average Guest Rating
$ 199.95
Exceptional Value

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Points of Interest
  • Charlottetown
Easy activity

Be sure to read the Special Notes further down this page for important requirements and restriction.

When was the last time your family had the chance to watch a falcon in flight -- soaring, diving, and catching air currents -- a magical sight indeed. This is not something most people have ever seen in the wild. Many falcons are an endangered species although their population is growing again thanks to conservation breeding programs. Peter McMurchy has been working with Sakers, Peregrines, Gyrfalcons and Harris' hawks on Prince Edward Island for several years and can't wait to share his knowledge with you! If conditions are right, you'll be able to watch Peter as he trains his birds to fly free and return to a lure at speeds of up to 200 mph. Even if conditions don't allow for flying, you'll have the opportunity to don the falconer's glove and have a falcon sit on your hand. You'll also have the opportunity, if conditions permit, to have one of his hawks fly in and land on your gloved hand (conditions permitting). Snap some pictures or videos as a memento of this memorable experience.

Special Notes:

The free-flying falcon component cannot be guaranteed as it is dependent on current conditions. The "fly in and land on your hand" activity is also conditions permitting.


Tour timeline may vary to avoid overcrowding, etc.

Scenic Drive to Falconry site in Cornwall

Transport type: Non Air Conditioned Transportation
Travel time: 00:25
Restroom available: No

Site visit to Falconry

Transport type: Walking
Time at site: 02:10
Free time at site: 15
Walking distance: 30
Restroom available: Yes

Scenic Drive back to Charlottetown

Transport type: Non Air Conditioned Transportation
Travel time: 00:25
Steps: 3
Restroom available: No