Princess Cruise Lines (“Princess,” “We” or “Us”) has created this page (“Page”) to facilitate an ongoing conversation regarding Princess Cruises.  We encourage You (“You,” “Your,” or “Fan(s)”) to share Your story, post comments, photos, videos, and links (“Submissions”) about Your experiences with Princess Cruise Lines here.  We are happy that You want to participate by submitting Your own content.  Please note that any Submissions posted on this Page were not edited by Us, are the views of the respective individuals who submitted such content and do not reflect the views of Princess Cruise Lines.

The Page has been created to enable Princess’ Fans to comment about their experiences with Princess.  Princess has not reviewed the Submissions to confirm the accuracy of any statement or claims made about Princess, its products or services or third parties and their products or services.
Anything You submit to this Page must comply with the following guidelines below:

  • Submissions cannot be sexually explicit or suggestive, violent, or derogatory of any ethnic, racial, gender, religious, professional or age group, profane or pornographic, contain nudity, or any materially dangerous activity;
  • Submissions cannot promote alcohol, illegal drugs, tobacco, firearms/weapons (or the use of any of the foregoing), any activities that may appear unsafe or dangerous, or any particular political agenda or message;
  • Submissions cannot be obscene or offensive, endorse any form of hate or hate group;
  • Submissions cannot defame, misrepresent or contain disparaging remarks about Princess or its products, or other people, products or companies;
  • Per Facebook’s Statement of Rights and Responsibilities, you may not send or otherwise post commercial communications on this Page, such as soliciting customers, advertising third party business, or otherwise promote or identify your own or other's services or products. This prohibition includes posting by travel agents and agencies.
  • Unless otherwise permitted herein, submissions cannot contain trademarks, logos or trade dress owned by others, or advertise or promote any brand or product of any kind other than Princess, without permission, or contain any personal identification, such as license plate numbers, personal names, e-mail addresses or street addresses;
  • Submissions cannot contain copyrighted materials owned by others without permission;
  • Submissions cannot contain materials embodying the names, likenesses, or other indicia identifying any person, living or dead, without permission;
  • Submissions cannot communicate messages or images inconsistent with the positive images and/or goodwill to which Princess wishes to associate;
  • Submissions cannot depict, and cannot itself, be in violation of any law;
  • No product or marketing suggestions will be accepted;
  • Links to other websites may be accepted on the website, pending review of third-party site content.

As part of our goal to ensure a top-notch customer experience on Facebook, We have established this Page so our Fans can share their experiences with others.  The Page is not the appropriate place to resolve issues, complaints or suggestions about individual sales and service experiences or our products. We will not post comments that fall into this category.  This does not mean We do not want to hear about such issues, but these types of concerns are best handled by trained customer service representative at Princess Customer Relations. For assistance, please contact Customer Service by phone at our toll-free number: 1-800-PRINCESS.

We reserve the right to, and may or may not, monitor/screen Submissions and may remove any Submissions that do not comply with these terms. By submitting a comment or question, You acknowledge that We have no obligation to use or post any comment or question You submit.  

By  posting a Submission You warrant and represent that: (a) it is Your original work; (b) that publication of Your Submission via various media, including Web posting, will not infringe on any third party rights; (c) that You have obtained permission from any person whose name or likeness is used in the Submission (if any); and (d) it does not infringe upon the copyrights, trademarks, rights of privacy, publicity or other intellectual property or other rights of any person or entity.

By submitting a Submission You warrant and represent that the Submission accurately reflects Your experience and/or any depiction is known to be true and is based on Your use of any product or service mentioned.  Furthermore, You warrant and represent that You have not accepted and will not accept any benefit, directly or indirectly, for the mention of any third party.

Any waiver of any obligation hereunder by Princess does not constitute a general waiver of any obligation to submitter.

By making a Submission, You agree that the Submission is gratuitous and made without restriction, will not place Princess under any obligation, and that Princess is free to disclose the ideas contained in the Submission on a non-confidential basis to anyone or otherwise use the ideas without any additional compensation to You. You acknowledge that, by acceptance of Your Submission, Princess does not waive any rights to use similar or related ideas previously known to Princess, or developed by its employees, or obtained from sources other than You.

If You are an intellectual property rights holder and believe Your rights have been infringed by a Submission, please review the Copyright Infringement Notification Policy set forth herein.

Effective Date: As of November 21, 2011.

(c) 2011 by Princess Cruises, Ltd. All rights reserved.